Tuesday, September 18, 2012

And the cast is off!!!

Yesterday we woke up very excited. It was the day we were going to go get Nash's 6 week post-op x-rays!!! We got ready to go and I wanted to call the office in Florida to make sure I had the right info to send the x-rays directly to Dr. Paley.  I was previously told to email them to him because that was the easiest.  The person I usually contact was out of the country so I called and talked to someone in the office.  They informed me that Dr. Paley was on vacation and wouldn't be back until next Monday...another week!! They also said I had to MAIL (not email..snail mail!) a disc of the x-rays and he would get back to me sometime next week. At the very least...we were devastated.  I know this doesn't sound like the end of the world, but it's been 6 very long weeks of an energetic 2 year old who had been in a cast that had been through lots of duct tape, replaced velcro, diaper leaks, and it was just plain stinky!! Not to mention his frustration and his parents who just wanted their sweet, happy, little boy back to normal. We were all ready for the words "You can remove the cast" And from how it looked...we weren't going to hear that for at least another week.

So, we went to the hospital, got the x-rays, got the disc and came home.  I downloaded the images onto my computer and sent them to Dr. Paley anyway. I knew he was on vacation but I thought it was worth a shot. We went about our evening and put the kids to bed. I was doing dishes when I heard my cell phone chime.  It was the sound of a new email. I didn't think anything of it and kept washing dishes.  When I was done, I went and checked my phone and there it was...in my inbox it said 'Dror Paley'! I started my "happy dance" before I even opened it! All it said was "Xrays look great. May start WB (weight bearing) and start PT" YAAAAAAY!!!!! Chris and I were sooooooo happy and relieved!! We decided to go take Nash's cast off....even though he was sleeping, we couldn't wait! 

He was such a happy little guy this morning. He was all over the place! He can walk along furniture but you can tell he's a little hesitant but he crawls just fine.  I even got to dress him in pants and a shirt today, not a onesie! No more onesies!! YAY! We will start PT next week sometime. Until then, we will just let him be free and watch him get stronger everyday!
Pre-op x-ray

Post-op x-ray

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