Hattie Joy Gehrls was born on May 7, 2012. She was 7lb 2oz and 20inches long. We were instantly in love <3 Nash and Aidan have been wonderful big brothers and we are all dong well.
Hattie Joy |
Nash and Hattie |
Silly brothers :) |
Nash just got his new shoes and a new brace on Friday! He was ready. He had the same brace since he was 9 months old and shoes from 8 months ago! He is much happier with his new kicks :) We might even get some sandals made for the summer!
We are getting anxious for the Superhip surgery...only 6 weeks away now. I will keep the blog updated with Nash's progress while we are in Florida. Keep us in your prayers the week of August 7th!!
New Shoes |